The bark of this vine is highly valued in Bolivia and
Peru as an admixture to Coca leaf. Chewed on its own, a small pinch
has a mild astringent taste, yet when mixed with a traditional Coca
quid it blossoms with an exceptional sweet taste!
It enhances the actions of Coca and is sometimes chewed with alkali
(baking soda) but without the Coca, for its own euphoric effects. It
is also a traditional digestive tonic.
CHAMAIRO when consumed alone, it has an astringent flavour,
an euphoric effect and is traditionally used as a digestive tonic.
CHAMAIRO has the ability to enhance the active principles of other herbs.
This means that if you have Chamairo mixed with any other herb, it will
enhance its effects and add a nice flavour.
When chewed with coca, Chamairo gives it softness and an exceptional
sweet flavour, as if it were icing sugar. That is why it is so appreciated
by Peruvian natives.